
Welcome to SharedGeo's Virtual Conference Booth

Wisconsin Land Information Association Annual Conference

February 15-19, 2021

SharedGeo's Conference Focus: U.S. National Grid


Contact information for speakers can be found at the bottom of this page.

U.S. National Grid Information


Emergency Location Marker Information

Some Other ShareGeo Projects and Information


Advanced Automatic Location Tracking

Common Operating Picture (COP) Development


Open Source Development

SharedGeo Background Information


Breaking News!

As reported by multiple industry news services, in late January 2021 SharedGeo released a free Magnetic Declination Diagram Service, thereby solving a cartographic problem which has long plagued the GIS community. Learn more at: https://mdd.sharedgeo.org/ 

Find More SharedGeo News and Developments Here

Contact SharedGeo's WLIA Conference Speakers

1360 University Avenue West, Suite 455
St. Paul, MN 55104


Daily Information

  • Crossword Puzzle Clue: Helping
  • Clue for the Day - Tuesday, February 16: Whether you like 'Pub' or 'Prime' this supper club offers more, and for added fun there's a tiki bar next door.
  • Clue for the Day - Wednesday, February 17: We aren't in Wisconsin, We are in a Birmingham burb that shares a name with a former President, that lies West of 65 and South of the Cahaba.  Chasing Rivers will get you to our center. 
  • Clue for the Day - Thursday, February 18: Creating a bible is what has been flaunted. Thank goodness, since the place seems to be haunted.
  • Dedicated Private Zoom Link Available Upon Request.  Send request to: sdswazee@sharedgeo.org